Amigos introduces “Health Code” into workplace

In a move to improve their image and attract more customers, local fast-food chain Amigos King’s Classic is introducing “Health Code” into the workplace effective immediately.

“At this point anything would improve this death-trap, it’s gotten so bad I’m pretty sure everyone that passes by thinks it’s a really big dumpster,” Kyle Anderson, manager of the Amigos on “Q” Street, said.

Even though this health code will help the reputation the of popular fast food chain, many loyal customers are still shocked that these mandated health codes have not been enforced decades ago.

“Isn’t it like, required for restaurants to follow generic health codes? How are they still in business? The last time I went there, grease was their alternative for soap and my burger was still mooing,” sophomore Abby Stenberg said.

“Yeah sure, you have to climb over piles and piles of garbage in order to get your food, but hey man, their food it really cheap,” stated frugalist Donald Ahl.

In a society where every individual is concerned about the food they put into their mouths, many critics and prospective customers do not even think this newly created health code law will save the company’s image. But head chairmen Victor Fleming believes that these codes will bring the chain back to respectability.

“In the beginning, I thought health codes were a waste of time. Most people think that Amigos reputation is dead on arrival and that I should just give up. At first I did not listen to them when they said I should enforced some health codes, and I’m still not really going to listen to them now. Just before you know it, we will be back serving the most shittiest Mexican food you have ever eaten.”