Ask The Republicans: Prop 8 Reversed

The U.S. Federal Appeals Court recently ruled that California’s Proposition 8, defining marriage as between a man and a woman, unconstitutional. The ruling was opposed by all three Republican primary candidates, and here is what they had to say:

“Well personally, you know… well, I guess it doesn’t really matter what I think personally, you know? I think marriage should, you know… well, I’m married to a woman so, yeah, marriage should maybe be voted on by probably the people and not the courts? Yeah, that’s right.” – Mitt Romney

“How can it be unconstitutional? The constitution only provides protection for citizens, and to be a citizen you must be a human being. And from what I’ve read in the Bible, homosexuals aren’t humans.” – Rick Santorum

“Why would anyone possibly want to marry a man when there’s 23-year-old interns running around? Well, I guess I can understand how lesbians feel. Either way I’m against it, because if you’re a lesbian, that means you won’t be sleeping with me.” – Newt Gingrich