Double Amputee Vigilante Takes Justice Into His Own Feet

ames Dixon is a man who is driven by an insatiable desire to make the world a better place. Even after a tragic accident that took both his hands, Dixon refuses to surrender.

“When I was young, my parents were killed by a hitman, who turned out to be linked to a drug cartel, who turned out to be controlled by the most powerful man in the city, who turned out to be the mayor,” Dixon said. “I knew that, despite losing both my hands, I had to bring that evil man to justice.”

Despite operating under the name “The Handy Man” and dressing up in a bright costume, Dixon has yet to bring anyone to justice.

The 28 year-old uses a combination of judo kicks and distracting techniques to disarm and disorient his foes. Unfortunately, his technique has yet to work.

“You see, there was this time I tried to stop a bank robbery. Instead of dropping their weapons when I told them to halt, they just turned around and shot me,” Dixon said. “It’s really hard to fire a gun when you’re in my position.”

Against all odds, Dixon has vowed to continue his fight.

“This city needs me, and my people need me. I’m ready to take the world into my feet and make it a better place.”