Local kid owned by wittiest “your mom” joke yet

It all started when the champion jokester of the class, fifth-grader Nathan O’Reilly, tried to throw his weight around with a joke towards  Ben Lipton during art class.

“Yo, Ben. You know what’s brown and belongs in the toilet but would clog it up?” inquired Nathan, who was only funny to everyone because both his Daddy and Mommy work for the President or something. “Haha, I got you!”

The classroom filled with jeers of fellow classmates, even Suzy who Ben always thought liked him because she gave him flowers during recess.

However, despite all odds, Ben retaliated with the most clever and witty comeback imaginable.

“I thought you were going to say your mom,” Ben said as he threw down the gauntlet.

The once noisy classroom became utterly silent at the sudden stroke of comedic genius. Then, little crybaby Nathan ran from the room like a complete wimp, leaving Ben as champion of comedy.

Accolades and shows of support for Ben’s maternal-themed humor have since began pouring in from kids all over the school, even some from students as old as twelve or thirteen. As of now, he stands as the funniest kid in the classroom, one that fellow classmates believe could make a joke that even fifth-grade teacher and complete buzzkill Mrs. White would love. His “your mom” joke, known as the best“your mom” joke and possibly best joke in general this year, has yet to be surpassed.