Netflix Binging Makes Me Quirky

This might come as a bit of a surprise; I’m kind of ashamed to admit it. Not everyone likes it, but I like watching TV on Netflix. A lot. And I like to watch a lot of it at once.

I know, I know. It’s not what your normal 20-something does on a Saturday night. But I’m not your normal 20-something, I’m kind of quirky.

Even among all you Netflix binge-watchers out there, I stand out. Why?  Because I do it with my cat. She’s kind of unique too, her name is Stella.

Some Friday nights when I get home all I do is get a big bowl of pickle-flavored chips and watch Netflix with Stella. Yeah, that’s right, pickle-flavored. I’m quirky. What’s it to you?

There’s a lot of stuff I like to watch on Netflix. I think I kind of have a one-of-a-kind addiction. “The Tudors,” “Dexter,” “My 700 Pound Life,” you name it. Sometimes I even get in the mood for something artsy so I watch a bit of “Breaking Bad.”

I’d definitely invite you to come by and binge-watch with me next week, but I’m an introvert. It’s kind of different. I get my energy from not being with people.

I know, I know, it’s not really normal, but it’s just how I am: unlike other people.

What’s that? You’re getting married? No, sorry, I won’t be able to be there. I’m already booked all weekends through the rest of the year.

And it’s not because I wouldn’t be able to get a date. That wouldn’t be a problem, her name is Stella.