New Lincoln trio jams together, brands together

Photo by Jerome Leger | Independent Artist

Lincoln has evolved into a place where bands can sprout, grow and—if they have the necessary amount of talent and gumption—they can successfully venture out regionally after making a presence locally. Handsomer Jaws is a Lincoln band in the middle of this process, tackling it in ways that make their prospects look bright.

Handsomer Jaws is Andrew Nelson (guitar; vocals), Josh Kornbluh (drums) and Sam Eschliman (bass; vocals).

Andrew jammed with Josh. Sam jammed with Andrew. And the three finally joined forces, played together for about a month in the fall, and got a gig as the band at a house show around Halloween. “The idea was to get a show so that we had something to practice for,” said Kornbluh. The guys learned five songs or so for the show. They were happy with how they sounded together, the process of working together and the product.

Since then, the band has snagged shows at Lincoln and Omaha venues like the one they led on Wednesday at a full Zoo Bar. Now, just three months later, the band is finishing recording a five-song album to be released next month. The band did not waste time getting into Lincoln’s StudioPH. Keeping in mind today’s changing and heated climate of the music market, Handsomer Jaws understands the importance of having their music available while their name is floating around.

“It’s just kind of what you need to do to take that next step that we wanted to take,” Eschliman said of producing the record. “You kind of need that ticket to give to people. Especially if you want to get a show outside of Lincoln or outside of Nebraska.” It depends on the type of goals a band has, but not all local artists have this mindset.

“Every band that I’ve ever been in has only been focused on playing and not recording. I like that this one is about getting a record in people’s hands,” said Kornbluh. “I think getting an album out helps you be like, ‘Okay, I’ve done that, now what’s next?’” Handsomer Jaws plans to have their EP available as hard copies at shows, downloadable on Band Camp, and for free via streaming online, all by the end of next month.

Broadly speaking, Handsomer Jaws is categorized as ‘alternative rock.’ Go to their show and you’ll hear some slow jam, hints of funk and lots of strains of rock. “The music is a culmination of every sound that this group of people has ever heard,” said Kornbluh. Their album will likely be just as eclectic.

“And I think we’re not afraid of any style,” said Eschliman. “It’s not like, ‘Oh that’s not us.’ If we’re playing it, it’s us.” Nelson agreed.

“Like Sam said, we’re not afraid of any genre, but we try to stick to a sound that we believe is true to ourselves,” said Nelson. “That’s what makes it fun, that what makes it diverse. We want to have an eclectic sound that differentiates itself.” The guys seem to take some pride in this aspect of their music.

“I like that it’s ended up the way it has –where they [the songs] sound different. You don’t want all your stuff to sound the same. But I don’t know that it was like, ‘Oh we really want it to be different!’ It just kind of happened,” said Eschliman.

“But it still sounds like Handsomer Jaws,” said Nelson.

“Yeah, it still sounds like Handsomer Jaws,” agreed Kornbluh.

The group is in a good place right now and is focusing on moving forward. “We have a lot of positive momentum right now. Things are working out. Andrew keeps writing good songs,” said Eschliman. Eschliman and Kornbluh give Nelson credit for writing all of the songs and bringing them to the table to be played with.

“Some of the songs are really old…and this is the first time I’ve had the chance to bring them to a group of people and develop them,” said Nelson, who wrote some of the songs as long as four years ago.

Eschliman said that the show at the Zoo Bar on Wednesday was his favorite so far, mentioning that people were singing along during parts.

“It’s kind of surreal because I’ve been doing music for my whole life pretty much and when you see someone singing along to a song that you wrote, it’s surreal but…it’s awesome,” said Nelson. “So we just want to keep rolling with that momentum and see what comes with it.” Handsomer Jaws particularly stole the crowd’s heart with their cover “All These Things That I’ve Done” by The Killers.

The three guys made it a point to speak of the music scene in Lincoln and what it’s like to be a part of it. Nelson called it ‘so great.’

“There’s so much acceptance and people want to play music and be a part of it,” said Nelson. Eschliman agreed.

“Yeah, it’s almost less of a music scene where it’s bands competing and more of a music community,” said Eschliman. “People are supportive and they help each other and get shows together.” Kornbluh also agreed and embraces Lincoln’s ‘very active’ culture of musical acts.

I asked the guys what their favorite part about playing live shows is.

“I think my favorite part – like my favorite thing in music—is when you’re playing music and people start dancing,” said Eschliman. “What you’re doing is making that happen. Like your music is groovy enough that it’s infecting them with rhythm and making them move.”

Kornbluh had many favorite parts. “I like doing something that I’ve practiced for a lot and having people appreciate it, like the work that you’ve [I’ve] done,” said Kornbluh. “When other people enjoy the music that I am a part of, it makes me feel good. If they don’t enjoy it, I don’t feel like I did a good job and I don’t feel good. But most of the time, luckily, at least one person comes up and says they really liked it.”

Nelson had to think carefully about it, too.

“I think just sharing a moment with the crowd,” said Nelson. “When you can portray an emotion that you think people will feel… and having that be the same thing you feel inside. Both of those things kind of mirror each other and something really powerful comes from that concept. You’re giving, they’re giving. It takes effort to be in the audience. You could just stand there. But when someone is moving along they’re doing effort. It’s a shared thing…it’s special.”

Nelson and Kornbluh have each been in multiple bands in the past (and for Kornbluh, currently). Handsomer Jaws is distinguished from the rest. Nelson enjoys being able to express himself through his writing.

“For the majority of the bands I’ve been in I’ve been like a supporting role,” said Nelson, referring to being a second guitarist or a member who joined later. In the case of the later he says, “It’s hard to assert yourself because you don’t want to be that guy because you weren’t a part of the process of the band forming. So it’s fun to be at the ground level with all you guys,” said Nelson to Kornbluh and Eschliman. Nelson also said that it’s a ‘joy’ to bring a song to the group and through the change that occurs, the songs are made into what they are supposed to be.

“I enjoy being in a band with two people that I’m good friends with,” said Eschliman.

“I like that we don’t get stuck on playing the same songs over and over again. It’s like a continual production of new material,” said Kornbluh. The guys like to semi-officially describe their music’s aim as: ‘Lyrically-driven, harmonic rock to move you.’

Goals for the band include continued practicing; getting as many people as possible to hear their music; and eventually branching out into a regional tour and potentially hitting the coast at some point, too.

Handsomer Jaws is playing Thursday night (February 6) of the Lincoln Exposed festival at The Bourbon Theatre.

‘Like’ Handsomer Jaws on Facebook.


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