Professor just hanging in until tenure, affair with student

Academia is widely regarded as one of the most competitive professional fields in the western world, and for many the struggle for job security is daunting. However Communications studies professor Jared McCullough is bound and determined to continue pursuing his goal of getting  tenure and/or having an illicit affair with one of his students.

“It’s not just a job for me, its a passion,” McCullough told the Dailyer. “It’s tough, but I’m very motivated to work my ass off until I get tenure. Or, until I’m fired for engaging in a brief but passionate love affair with one of my most brilliant students.”

Both measures of long term career success for many professors, tenure and illicit affairs with students sometimes go hand in hand, but are not always a package deal.

“I’m pretty much working until whichever one comes first,” McCullough stated. “If my research paves new roads for understanding the ways we humans interact between and within cultures so that we may better work with one another globally, then that’s gonna keep me on the right path to tenure. But if some hot student with ripe, round, perfect boobies comes around before any of the happens, then it looks like I’m going down that road, which is totally cool. You can’t have all your dreams come true.”

McCullough recently received a grant which he hopes to fund his research with and/or abscond to an exotic resort island with one of his many potential illicit affairs.