Sick Bastard Wears Slaughtered Cow on Body, Hands

Polite society received a sharp kick to the ribcage recently when Open Harvest Co-op Grocery manager Evan Berg was found starting to wear disgusting garments worn from the sheared skin of cows.

“Yeah, I really like my new coat,” said a sociopathic and truly sick bastard Berg about his monstrous clothing. “I didn’t think I’d ever have the money to buy it, at least this year, but I did.”

“It was well worth the money, since I always use it and it definitely keeps me warm,” continued the disturbing shell of humanity as he stroked his unethical hands across his arm which was covered in the butchered hide from victimized cattle.

Berg then proved to Dailyer reporters that his cruel lust for the hapless murder of creatures “inferior” to him would never be satisfied. In his moment of sick pride, he presented a pair of gloves horrifyingly stitched from the outer remains of cows, which assumedly had loving mates and children before being mercilessly flayed, possibly in front of them.

“Once I bought the coat, I couldn’t resist snagging a pair of matching gloves,” said Berg, a man one can only assume will adopt an alias similar to “Buffalo Bill” in the coming weeks.

“I think I really like the comfort and style, you know what I mean?” said the sociopath known publicly as “Berg.”

As he strutted about the city of Lincoln coldly and grossly with his treasured hides of cows that likely had ambitious dreams to become doctor cows or lawyer cows, you know, cows that could really make a difference in the world, the Dailyer realized that no hope of change could occur in the egotistical maniac. So in order to protect cattle everywhere and to maintain a steady employment in the cow job fields of “dull cow in some field off the interstate” and “that one thing that stares at people and their pets for long periods of time,” authorities were notified of Berg and his sick, bastardized clothing.