Student can’t find answers to homework online, drops class

After relentlessly searching Yahoo Answers and Quizlet for solutions to her online biology homework and coming up empty handed, Liz Stevenson, a sophomore biology major, decided to drop LIFE 120.

Rather than going into her professor’s office hours to get help, Stevenson found it easier to drop the class and spare herself the condescending comments.

“Yahoo Answers is my go-to source for any kind of questions, especially when it comes to science online homework,” Stevenson said after being asked whether she found the $136.50 required textbook helpful for doing the homework.

“Literally any answer to Pearson’s Mastering homework series can be found online,” she said. “But not this time.”

Her LIFE 120 professor declined to comment on the value of Mastering Biology to his students’ actual mastering of biology.  

“I thought online homework was supposed to sharpen my ability to google and find solutions online for free,” Stevenson said. “I didn’t know I was supposed to be learning biology from it too!”  

Stevenson’s peers overwhelmingly commended her decision to drop LIFE 120.

“Everyone knows that if you want to get a good score on the online homework, the best way to do it is to not actually attempt the problems yourself, but rather google them,” classmate Rob White said. “ And if you can’t find the answer online, you might as well just drop the class.”  

“She should have gotten a Chegg Solutions subscription instead of the textbook. Classic newbie mistake,” another classmate added.

“Maybe by the spring semester someone will make Quizlet flashcards for this Mastering Biology homework,” Stevenson said as she listed her biology textbook on Ebay in hopes of recovering some of the money she wasted on buying it.

Luckily for her and others in a similar situation, reports say that a kind soul at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities is working on getting all the new Mastering homework solutions into Quizlet.