TA Removed from Position, Turns in Badge and Gun

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln removed a local teaching assistant from his position Thursday.

Earlier in the week, a video surfaced of the physics TA using excessive force on a student. Massive nationwide protests forced physics department leadership to remove the TA from his position of power over the lab class he had sworn to protect and serve.

UNL announced that its plan to place the TA on indefinite suspension, and he has been required to returned the badge and automatic assault rifle that were issued to him at the beginning of the semester.

University Police have yet to announce whether they will pursue charges against the TA.

Former students described the TA as a “pretty chill dude” and an “average TA,”  at least up until the incident in question.

During a demonstration on Newton’s laws, the TA was to apply approximately five pounds of force to a student on a scale. In the video, which was recently made public by an unnamed student, the scale changes by eight pounds. The student in question is visibly in pain due to the actions of the TA.

At one point in the video, a student leapt up and shouted, “Dude, that’s enough! Can’t you see you’re killing him?”

In a controversial study of the video by industry-leading mathematicians, eight has been conclusively determined to be greater than five.

In the event that charges are pursued, it is unclear if the findings of the study will hold up in court. Some researchers are worried that the technicality of the research may be too much for a common juror to understand.