You think YOU’RE having a bad day? By Student falling down flight of stairs

Oh, so you’re having a bad day?

I have four classes every Wednesday, so I walk around campus quite a bit those days. When so many people are in a confined place, I think it’s hard to not overhear people talking: to their friends, family, and so on.

And boy, do people like to complain.

I have to listen to people whine about this and that every single day, and I’m here to tell you right now that none of you are having as bad of a day as I am.

This one guy in the union was complaining to his buddy that Taco Hut forgot to throw in his order of authentic Mexican fried processed potato parts. You know what’s worse than missing a side order of fries? Missing the first step. You might be marginally hungrier, but at least you aren’t on a nonstop trip to the bottom of the stairs.

A girl I overheard near Selleck earlier today was on the phone with who I assume was her mother, going over her day. She spent almost an entire minute complaining about “a bum on P street who kept bugging her for some money.”  You know, someone talking to you and making you vaguely uncomfortable isn’t the best situation, but at least that person wasn’t the hard, tile-clad, fourth-from-the-top stair that I just rammed my head into.

You know another thing that really gets me upset? Commuter students complaining about how hard it is to find a parking spot downtown. Having your own car must be real rough time. I don’t know what it’s like to have that problem, but I do know what it’s like to have a huge bruise on my right arm from bouncing off the wall about halfway down this flight of stairs.

After I was getting out of chemistry earlier today I heard a freshman say to their friend that he was so glad that the day was over. He knew that he wasn’t going to do well on today’s quiz, and it turned out he did as well as he figured he would. You might be happy about your stupid quiz being done, but I’m just excited about finally being at the bottom of these stairs. And you know what? At least your quiz didn’t give you a mild ankle sprain.