Don’t go to the doctor | by President Obama

Okay, poor people….I’m sorry…I….said a lot of things…. You said a lot of things….and I’m sorry alright?…It’s…it’s not…easy reforming healthcare and…I should known how badly you guys wanted to get insurance and…made the websites better…stronger…it was my mistake,…and I apologize…but there is something you can do until the website is fixed…just do your best and don’t avoid the doctor…it’s not that hard….most of you poors have been living without insurance for your whole lives… what’s a couple more months… just band together in your hoover camps and we’ll, we’ll….get through this. Stay away from babies…don’t drive your dangerous cars…definitely don’t fly…don’t go to school when the flu’s going around…scratch that, don’t go to school period.

It…it’ll be hard doing this…I know, I understand. You expected health care and…I know I’m asking you to avoid health risks for a couple months….but it’s fine…in fact, it’s better this way. Once you do get health insurance…you probably won’t even need to use it…you guys’ll be so used to…pulling yourself up by your bootstraps, heck you most likely won’t even touch your deductible. But please…America…if you don’t do it for your children….do it for me…you guys know better than me….websites are confusing…a lot of you guys don’t have computers or reliable internet…and the internet is a confusing place…what makes a website stand…what makes a website collapse…who among really knows…the important thing is that you will get insurance…someday…when all this is fixed…and then you and I can split a beer over a nice photo shoot…

So just to review, uninsured Americans….the white house understands your pain…which is still hopefully just mental pain….because you don’t have the insurance to cover physical pain….but I understand…and I’m doing everything in my power to fix this. You guy’s like football right? up your tv box and look at those football players talk about Obamacare….those guys all have insurance…and that could be you someday… you could be just like a footballer. But until you do… stay away from anything that might make you think you need a doctor…because you don’t…and above all else…stay away from Biden… the man’s a walking deathtrap.