Human remains found in anatomy textbook

Students and faculty at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln were on edge last week after an incident that took place in Hamilton Hall on City Campus.

UNL Police Department officials were called to Hamilton Hall during a Wednesday morning anatomy lecture where students reported finding human remains in their textbooks.

“When calls were coming in about human remains being found on campus, we responded immediately,” said Police Chief Harold Butters. “We arrived at the scene at 8:45 a.m. last Wednesday.”

Hamilton Hall was put on lockdown as officers were responding to the scene. Officers collected textbooks from students and confirmed the pages were full of human remains.

“It was horrifying to see human body parts scattered all over the pages of our textbook,” said UNL student Jackie Garrison. “I’ve never screamed louder. It’ll take me a while to recover from this.”

“I don’t know what was happening,” said sophomore finance major Jim Jacoby, who was in a chemistry lab at the same time as the lockdown. “We were forced to evacuate the building. Everyone was panicking. It was chaos.”

Classes were able to resume a few hours after officers first arrived on the scene. UNLPD stated that textbooks from the UNL Bookstore are under investigation as well, and all anatomy textbook purchases were halted. Students currently enrolled in anatomy will use interim textbooks as the case is being solved.

“It is unclear at this point how these human remains ended up in these textbooks,” stated Police Chief Butters. “We are doing all that we can to solve this case.”