Taco Bell Announces Doritos Locos Taco Flavored Doritos Locos Taco

With the recent success of the Doritos Locos Taco, Taco Bell has announced yet another variant of the popular dish. The new taco, expected to be named Doritos Locos Tacos flavored Doritos Locos Taco, is scheduled to be released in late 2013.

CEO Greg Creed remarked “Simply stated it’s a taco within a Doritos shell of which is made from a Doritos flavored taco flavored tortilla chip. It’s a recipe loosely based off of an authentic Mexican taco my grandmother used to fix.”

Both overweight junior high students and frequent marijuana users alike have hailed Taco Bell’s food scientists as saints.

“It’s just so much taco and Doritos in my mouth at once man my mind can’t handle it dude” claimed 7th grader Tony Hall, while local stoner Buddy Roach says;

“The whole like taco within a taco thing they got goin on is trippy man like that one movie with Leonardo Dicaprio. I think. Am I in limbo? Like really it’s like a taco bomb exploded in my mouth.”

According to chemist Mike Hawk the production process is quite simple. A regular Doritos Locos Taco is ground into a fine powder and that same powder is used to flavor Doritos. Those Doritos are then formed into a shell for the taco. It’s the most taco and Doritos believed to have ever been combined into one dish throughout the history of mankind.

Research is also currently underway on another taco which dives one step further into the taco inception. It was delayed however after three test subjects suffered from both congestive heart failure and diabetes moments after ingesting the taco.