Top 10: Ways to get through ‘dead week’

Dead week bringing you down? Use these tips to help you out!

1. Wake up from that turkey coma: You can’t take your finals if you’re asleep!

2. Learn the English language: Most likely your final will be in English, so if you know the language, you’ll have a head start!

3. Rid yourself of any allergies: Let’s be real, no one likes having allergies. Once you get rid of those pesky vexations, studying will be a breeze!

4. Guys, dump your girlfriend: Tesla died a virgin. You can do the same.

5. Play a lot of video games: Video games hone hand-eye coordination–  a crucial part of writing. You will most likely have to do this on your finals.

6. Drink a cool, crisp, refreshing Pepsi: “Nothing tastes better than the taste of an ice cold Pepsi.” –  Tom Osborne

7. Ladies, avoid a “Freaky Friday” mishap: Better get right with your mom, otherwise she’ll be the one taking all your finals, and last time we checked moms don’t really know much about microbiology.

8. Squeeze a whole tube of toothpaste out: It can’t hurt right? So try it out!

9. Bet on an NFL game: You never know if you’re gonna win big! With all that money you won’t even have to worry about finals

10. OK, get back together with your girlfriend: You know you miss her.