By Alex Wunrow | Photos by Patrick Wright
Valerie Dodds, perhaps better known as Val Midwest, was at the center of one of the most controversial stories in Lincoln this year. She made national headlines when she took provocative photos at the Pius X high school campus. She’s been arrested four times for public nudity, and after all of the media coverage, she was invited to star in a photo shoot for Hustler magazine. She is the cover girl, centerfold and main story of Hustler’s holiday issue (in newsstands now). Despite a chorus of negative comments, Val has continued to churn out content on her amateur website, conduct radio and print interviews, all the while waiting to see what her sentencing will be on Dec. 20 for her public nudity charges. She took some time out of her busy schedule to sit down for an interview and a photo shoot with Seeds Entertainment.
Seeds: Can you sum up your career currently, what you do day to day, and how things have picked up for you (since your Hustler cover story)?
Val: Pretty much after I got on the news my facebook blew up, and everyone wanted to talk to me. I’ve been doing some radio interviews, and I have this radio show in Alabama that I do every friday. Then aside from that it is pretty much interviews every single day. I also work out every morning, and I have two dogs that I take care of.

Seeds: What do you think the impact of your Hustler centerfold and cover story will have on your career?
Val: Well I have a couple of reality TV show offers, where they would want to shoot basically what I do here in Lincoln. Then, I’m hoping it gets me magazine offers and other things like that. Playboy hasn’t hit me up yet, but Playboy TV has asked me to run a reality TV show. So I’m guessing the magazine might come with that. I do promote for Girls Gone Wild and they promote me all over their website.

Seeds: So how did you get into this, and when you decided you wanted to get into it porn, how did you think it would go? And have things gone the way you expected them to go?
Val: Well, no. I first saw that Melissa Midwest had an article saying that she was looking for new models. And I had heard of her, but then I went to her website to see what she was doing, and I was like, ‘oh my God, that is nothing like anything anyone I know is doing.’ My friends were all going to college and a lot of them have dropped out because they were partying too much. And I decided I wasn’t going to go to college just yet and risk wasting a bunch of money. So I decided I was gonna go fuck around, and then when I want to be serious I want to go to college. After that I decided to go set up an interview with Melissa, and she was like, ‘Oh my God, you are perfect.’ They were looking for a new face of the company, and it was awesome because I got the “Midwest” title that Melissa had had for a long time. And I’m doing way better than we expected as far as getting the cover of a magazine. Melissa took longer than a year until she started getting noticed. But for me it has been less than six months.

Seeds: You said you’ll think about going to college when you “get serious,” what age do you define as time to “get serious?”
Val: Well I’ve grown up a lot in the industry, I’m the youngest one in the room a lot of the time. Everyone is always older, they’re all at least 21 and they’ll go out for drinks after work and I can’t go. I was at the Hustler shoot and everyone was talking about going to the club afterwards, and I was like, ‘Oh… have fun…’ and it sucked because they were like, “Dude, we’ve never ran into the problem of a girl not being old enough to go out drinking with us.” And it sucks not being able to get the full experience, but I’ve grown up a lot through all of this. I used to go out and party here before I got in to all of this, but now it’s work and I feel like I’ve grown up as far as all of that stuff goes. So college is actually something I was looking into, and I was going to start this current semester, but then everything picked up and I don’t really have the time for it right now. And it’s obviously something I’m not going to do if I don’t have the time to do it well. I barely have enough time to handle all of the interviews and everything else I’m doing right now. I don’t know, I mean I still want to go to college, but right now it isn’t really an option. Things are going pretty great right now, and I’m just going to see where this takes me. But you can still always go to college, at least in my mind. I want to do interior design, and I’ve also thought about doing criminal justice. I’m super into, this sounds creepy, but people who do crazy stuff like kidnap people. I just like finding out why would they do that, and what is wrong with them. So that’s the type of person that I am. But after I started redecorating my house recently I was like, ‘Hmm, I really like doing this.’ And I don’t like hearing sad stories, and criminal justice is full of sad stories. So I figured maybe I should stay away from criminal justice. I’m a positive person and that type of thing can wear you down. I actually thought that all of the negative comments that I’ve got from all of the stuff I’ve done here in Lincoln would wear me down, but I actually have a really positive outlook on that. I just don’t let anything bother me, people all the time will say mean things to me, so it’s important for me to keep a positive outlook.

Seeds: Are you pretty good at tuning out the negative comments?
Val: Yeah, I actually don’t tune them out. I’m a fighter, so I like to fight back. I like to piss people off, so if someone is like, ‘You’re so ugly,’ I’m like, ‘Yeah, I know.’ Then they’re all, ‘Well, duuhhh I don’t know.’ And then someone else will say, ‘Oh, you’re a ho,’ and I’ll just say, ‘Ok, I’ve heard that one before.’ I’ll walk through the mall here in Lincoln, and someone will come up to me and tell me I’m a slut, and I’ll just say, ‘Oh stop, you’re turning me on.’ If I took everything seriously I would turn into that girl in the Hustler magazine with fake boobs and fake lips, but I’m all natural and just don’t let anyone tell me what to do. I’m comfortable with the way I look, and if I was actually ugly I wouldn’t be getting on the covers of magazines, so I try and take everything in stride.

Seeds: We can talk about some lighter stuff for a minute. What was your favorite movie this year?
Val: Well I just saw the Hunger Games 2, and I really liked it. It was super awesome. It’s funny, I went with a group of guy friends, and they were all, ‘This is a chick flick.’ And I just told them, “It’s kids killing other kids, how is this a chick flick?”

Seeds: What are your thoughts on the upcoming sentencing you have, and how do you expect the local media to cover it?
Val: I always have the local media that calls me, saying, ‘Hey, what’s going on with everything?’ It’s funny because Shane [Val’s manager] called me and told I had court, because they had new evidence. And when I was there the judge didn’t really tell me anything, and I had left without being told I was guilty or not guilty. So I called Shane and told him that they didn’t know what they were doing yet and that we would find out in a couple days. And so the next day Shane is calling me, and I turn on the TV and I see: ‘Local porn star is found guilty.’ And I’m like, ‘What the fuck, how do they know before me?’ And Shane is like, ‘Dude, why didn’t you tell me?’ So I just told him I found out from the TV, and they hadn’t told me or my lawyers beforehand. It’s weird, I just think I should have been notified first. So, my sentencing is Dec. 20, and they will tell me if I have to go to jail. I don’t think I will have to go to jail, but I did get arrested four times for public nudity, so it could be a possibility.

Seeds: What are the typical sentences for offenses like that?
Val: It’s a misdemeanor, and normally people don’t have four of them. Normally it is just a fine, but since I have four of them they are going to try and fuck with me and play games. Which is cool, because I’m a game player. We will see how that goes, I hope I don’t have probation because if I do get the reality TV show I’m practically stuck here. But if things continue to go great like they are, I do want to move to either Vegas or Florida. Vegas is just closer to Hustler and Playboy out in Cali, but I am in love with Florida. If I could just relax and go down there and get away from the craziness that would be great. Maybe I just need a vacation. Normally the news media, the only thing, there is a girl who writes for the Journal Star, and she wrote an article about me that was rude. So I called the lady, because she had just wrote about how I didn’t have any plans, and I told her if you ask me to do an interview I will, you can still write mean stuff about me, but you need to get your facts straight. Because I do want to go to college, I just decided to put it off because I was watching all of my friends fail out and waste a bunch of money. And she just told me that she wants to write an article a year down the road just to see where I’m at. So I told her okay, and that I would probably be farther and farther and farther away from you. So we will see if you can get ahold of me.

Seeds: That kind of ties in with my last question, because people like the woman who wrote that column tend to say ‘oh, pornography is bad for women, it just treats women terribly.’ But you seem to genuinely be enjoying your life and what you are doing. How do you respond to that?
Val: They don’t see the other side of what we are doing. It might look crazy, but I think it just depends on who you are. Because when you get into the business, you can let the business run you, or you can run it. So if you let them run it for you, you will be on drugs, and you will be fucked every position, and your pussy is going to be worn out. You’re going to be that washed up girl, so I think it takes a strong person who isn’t going to listen to other people. Because if you do that you’re gonna get fake everything, and that is just not me. So I think I run everything my way, as far as I don’t let anyone tell me what to do. I don’t even do anal anything. They do try and get you to do it, but then I’ll just push back and say, ‘Do you even want me to be here?’ And then they’ll usually apologize and we can move past it. I think girls just let other people tell them what to do too much. You just need to be a strong woman when you go into it, and say I will do what I want to do, when I want to do it, and how I want to do it. That’s how it is, and that is how it should be.

Bob ,
Y r my pants so tite?
DigDug ,
This is so dumb. The last question and her answer to it are fabricated. She doesn’t do porn! so, how the fuck we she know about girls who do. She has never met Melissa Midwest. Melissa has been retired for almost 6 years now. She quit when she was divorcing her husband, Shane Harrington, who “runs” the business. Actually almost every answer she gave was either a fabricated story or her just being completely dense, which she is. First, she didn’t decide not to go to college, she couldn’t get in. She’s not bright. Her parents have seven kids and moved after she graduated high school. She didn’t want to move and had no money, so she decided to seek out Shane. Shane, not Melissa, because Melissa doesn’t even live in Lincoln anymore.
Then, there’s the answer about growing up in the industry. She says,”Everyone is always older, they’re all at least 21 and they’ll go out for drinks after work and I can’t go. I was at the Hustler shoot and everyone was talking about going to the club afterwards, and I was like, ‘Oh… have fun…’ and it sucked because they were like, “Dude, we’ve never ran into the problem of a girl not being old enough to go out drinking with us.” The crew that shot her Hustler spread shoots and runs They literally do shoots with girls under 21 almost every single day! Oh, and she barely has time to do all the shows and interviews that she is doing now. She does next to nothing! Like she says: she goes to the gym; then she has one radio show weekly, and some others here and there; i don’t know how you promote Girls Gone Wild since it’s been pretty much obsolete for two and half years; she answers e-mails; she updates her site once a month; then she spends the rest of her time partying (don’t let her fool you). There are no offers for TV shows. She met Hefner’s son on a trip to Vegas, so now she thinks that she’s going to be in Playboy. No one would watch a show about “Gomers” in the middle of Nebraska acting like idiots and rebelling against religion soooo hard!!! Yeah! Sounds stupid right?
Then we have public nudity tickets. This dolt is to stupid to realize that having more than one in a short period of time can bump those misdemeanors up to felonies. They also have they power to require her to register on the sex offenders list. The whole thing about not being court is false. She tweeted about going to the courthouse that day! They don’t enter a verdict unless the defendant is there idiot! There not trying to fuck her over or play games, she’s just too fucking stupid to know what the hell is going on. I got news for her. When they put her on probation, she won’t be able to go on any vacations. Well, unless it’s a vacation with the state lines of Nebraska.
This idiots career is going to end just like Melissa’s. Start off by getting involved with an dumbs that has know idea how to run a business or promote “talent” for more than a short period of time. Take said dumbass’ advice when you’re not making any money, “Hey go get arrested to get attention. It will cost you money and go on record. But hey, I’ll be okay”. Get some short term attention. Shoot for Hustler. That’s when it starts to get ugly. People forget about her in a few months. She starts to lose money. She revisits the whole getting arrested for attention bit. That cost a lot of money a gets her seriously close to jail time. So she quits. Then they have to try to find money to payback all of the promoters for the site. That gets dragged out until the promoters threaten legal action. This has pretty much how all of sites that Shane has ran have done things.
Iknowyouknow ,
I agree with most of what you’re saying but she’s not stupid she just works for a manipulative bastard who now has got her sucking his limp 38 year old dick. He’s ruining a potential great. Why does she thing andrienne manning and all the others quit so soon cuz they realized Shane has no clue what he’s doing . His shit is boring and his photographer is clearly an amateur . I know her personally but I don’t know how to give her advice without her taking it wrong. And your bit about her family and financial shit is wayyyy wrong btw but I’m not going to correct you her family life should be nobody’s business anyway. For anyone that cares shout out to her and encourage her to go on to bigger better things ( get a better manager) or quit porn all together (my preference). I doubt she wants to quit which is fine it’s her life but at least find someone that knows how porn works! She’s got the looks use that for a while tease her fans , when interest gets less do something more kinky, when that gets old lesbian and finally if you realllly have to go hardcore but don’t make your first hardcore scene be with a dude that can’t get it up with a small penis come on porn isn’t brain science !!!
Chris ,
WOW! I read this article. Then, I read this long rant in the comment section, and again WOW! I usually hate long rants, but this one was right on the money. Most of the answers that she gave to the questions in this article are complete bullshit. That Melissa chick quit along time ago. Then, she moved to Maryland for a few years before moving back to Omaha. Val would have had to have been like 12 or 13 when she met Melissa for her story to work. I doubt that happened.