Looking for something exceptional to do for this coming spring break? The DailyER compared thousands of reviews for numerous cities and destinations to consider for your next trip on several travel websites. Broaden your horizons with an atypical cultural experience, unlike your basic friends going to Cancun or Tampa, by giving one of our suggestions a go.
Livonia, Michigan
Rating: Four Stars
If you ever have a few hours to waste on a Sunday afternoon, take a trip to Lively Livonia Michigan! Livonia is one of the few cities in the United States that has not just one, but two Costco Wholesale stores. While visiting, there are many things to do such as get food, go to a movie theatre, get food and then go home. Not interested in going home? Don’t worry, there are plenty of straight roads to drive on at 2:30 in the morning. Some favorites include 5 mile, 6 mile, 7 mile or even 8 mile.
Fast Facts:
*Livonia once held the title of “Whitest city in America with a population over 100,000”
*Livonia has two Costcos
*Livonia was designed by Alfred Graph, inventor of Graph Paper
Red Cloud, Nebraska
Rating: Five Stars
Are you lost? No? Are you sure? Well if you are, be sure to take some time to visit Willa Cather’s Childhood Home. What can you do there? As RJ Fountaine summed it up on Google reviews: “See how Willa lived as a child.” Among the many things you can do, such as seeing how Willa lived, you can also put yourself in Willa’s shoes and see how she lived.
Fast Facts:
*Willa Cather grew up there
Backpacking in Europe – Europe
Rating: Most Important week of your life
Are you lost? Yes? Can you afford a gap year? Well, if you can’t, try a quick backpacking trip in Europe. Spend a week hiking in the Ural Mountains trying not to think about what you plan on doing with your degree. Focus on the serenity of the calm rural lifestyle of many eastern Europeans and less on the existential dread you’ve been mentally avoiding.
Fast Facts:
*The tallest mountain in Europe is Mt. Elbrus in Russia standing at over 18,000 ft
*If you had a dollar for every foot Mt. Elbrus had, you’d still need $5,000 to repay your student loans