Junior Rebecca Fitzgerald was desperate to think of something clever and unique to wear as a costume to all the Halloween parties she planned to attend. “The typical lingerie and animal ears is just so tired; I wanted to wear something that would make me stand out. So I turned to UNL faculty. At first, I was going to dress up as slutty Scott Frost, but then I realized I could not make Scott any sexier! So, I turned to the twentieth most attractive chancellor, Ronnie Green.” Fitzgerald’s costume had the effect she had hoped it would. A series of frat boys were eager to share their opinions with the DailyER.
“I feel like Rebecca would make a better chancellor. I know she understands and will accommodate to my needs.” says Jason Taylor.
“Honestly, it’s the best costume I’ve ever seen: the cropped white button-up, the short skirt, the red tie, and of course, those iconic glasses.” comments Dawson Carter, “We never see Ronnie showing any skin, so this helps feed my imagination.”
“I think Ronnie could have pulled it off better – I know he could have pulled it off better. Nobody knows Ronnie like I do.” said Donnie Mclean, in criticism. “And her tie wasn’t even authentic; Ronnie’s favorite tie is the red one with half-inch white stripes.”
“Hands down, Rebecca is a WAY better kisser.” shrugs Aaron Richards. “Ronnie uses too much tongue, and refuses to take off his tie for some reason.”