The University of Nebraska Lincoln class MUNM287, better known as History of Rock, attracts passionate musicians from all types of majors across campus.
“I like both business and ag a lot, but I’d say that music is my true passion,” freshman agribusiness major Jack Edwards told reporters Monday. “I love to jam with my friends on Friday nights, really let my bass sing. I think music may be my real calling.”
However, Dr. Jared Pope, instructor for the class, told reporters a slightly different story.
“I like [Edwards] a lot, but he needs to step up his effort,” Dr. Pope explained. “Last week, he walked into the lecture ten minutes late and proceeded to take a nap in the back row of the recital hall. I’m not one to judge, but I’m not sure he could tell Bob Dylan from the Beatles.”
“He even got the electric guitar confused with the electric bass on our latest quiz,” added Pope.
Despite his lackluster performance in History of Rock, Edwards intends to maintain his identity as a true musician.
“I’m even thinking about starting a band with my pals,” Edwards explained. “I’m thinking about a Rolling Stones cover band, or maybe Styx. I love their song Good Times Bad Times.”
In a brief interview, Edwards’ academic advisor, Teresa Bennet, expressed her opposition to the idea of Edwards spending more time away from his academics.
“He’s failing nearly all of his classes. I don’t care what he thinks his passion is, I’d like to see him get excited about doing literally any of his classwork.”