“Wednesday Evening”
By Brenna Dittmer
sit back
hit that
rock that.
from the sip i took
and the piece that lit.
and the cute boy
funny boy
second city boy
talks while his
eyes stay still
and his
lips move fast
and we
grip our ribs
and fall back and laugh.
these kids, each kid, knows kid.
knows me
gets me
doesn’t care if he pukes and
will carry him home
with the bottle in his
stupid hand
but is loved
no matter
what his hand.
carry me home
on the nights we wear no shoes no
no blues no
no makeup ‘cause
the sun gave us that glow we waited months for
all smiles
and the smell of the
fresh cut grass piles
on damp sidewalk i can’t see
but i know
i trust
is there.
for my steps, each step,
holds me up
stops the melting
love his
big eyes
clingy shirt, short hair.
love his
chilli pepper rocking
noodle slurping
old spice smelling
best smile
big shoulders
warm chest boy who’s
never there.
i’d give you my scribbles, my
words whatever’s left of my
heart you don’t already have.
but you don’t ask.
maybe don’t know. don’t want.
maybe don’t listen.
but it’s good
all good.
i’ll just
sit back
hit that
rock that
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If you would like to submit your original poem, short story, artwork or similiar work, send submissions to seedsent@gmail.com. Each print issue of Seeds (inside of the Dailyer) will feature a local and preferably UNL student artist, writer or poet. The print issues are printed every other week and distributed on the UNL campus and surrounding businesses in Lincoln, NE.