Dorm room décor is an essential part of the freshman college experience. Bedding in particular is a big ticket item for students looking to express themselves through their room aesthetic, and it may be the biggest decision of all. The DailyER talked to students at Harper Residence Hall about how their bed spreads help to calm their nerves for the new school year.
Mustard is freshman Michael Angelo’s condiment of choice. “The smell reminds me of home,” Angelo said. “I also eat a lot of sandwiches, so I like having it close by. I’m always spreading mustard in my bed.”
Most students cited butter as their favorite bed spread. “It’s hard for me to fall asleep without spreading butter on something first,” said freshman economics major Haley Hart. “Sometimes when I’m all out of bread, I’ll just rub it into my sheets. It feels great and leaves my skin so smooth in the mornings.”
But as college campuses have seen time and time again, it’s nearly impossible for every pair of roommates to agree on their favorite bed spread.
Hart’s roommate, freshman art history major Abigail Berry, is a huge fan of mayonnaise. “I know it’s pretty unconventional, but mayo is my go-to bed spread,” Berry said. “It sucks that butter and mayonnaise aren’t very complementary to each other, so that’s taken some getting used to for me and Haley.”
Despite their differing preferences, the girls agree that their room would be incomplete without the personal touch of a favorite spread. With mutual respect for other’s individual taste, there’s no limit to what bed spreads each dorm room can put on display.