Shocking both students and faculty who inhabit it, it was revealed that, apparently, you can’t smoke anything – tobacco, marijuana, etc. – inside the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s English building, Andrews Hall.
“Fuck,” said English major Anne Repenning with a lit cigarette in her hands. “I saw everyone doing it, so I thought that we could just smoke wherever we wanted or something.”
Supposedly, according to basic codes set by UNL, no one can smoke in any building – the House Hidden in the Clouds, Andrews Hall, included. This is because there are health hazards involved with smoking indoors or something.
“I never knew that such a small thing like a cigarette could cause a big problem,” said English professor Ivan Crane, introspectively. He would continue to stare at his cigarette with cosmic eyes and wax over it while he continued to smoke and exhale outside his office window.
Many people cannot or will not accept the policy against smoking in the building, and have decided to protest by smoking just outside the building, around one of its corners.
“I mean, when people come to Andrews Hall, it’s like they’re coming to a smoking bar: they’re expecting second-hand smoke,” English major Carol Olson said. “They know what they’re getting into. So why not just let us smoke?”
While the university has not allowed smoking inside Andrews Hall as of now, some members of the administration have hinted at the construction of a smoking patio outside of the building.