Vampires? Kinda hot.
Werewolves? Super hot. (Can you tell I was team Jacob??)
Witches? Honestly, can be pretty!
Wizards? Later Harry Potter movies prove- hot!
Frankenstein’s Monster? Not cute.
Mummies? Eh… I don’t know what’s under those wraps, but I’m going to keep it that way?
Zombies? Nope.
Ghouls? Gross.
Honestly, I think we’re missing out as a society. We’ve allowed ourselves only a few fun beings for the Halloween season.
Twilight taught us that vampires and werewolves can be to die for, but we limited ourselves!
Why haven’t we found a way to love a sexy zombie? Where are the seductive mummies? And why why WHY would Frankenstein create something he couldn’t be proud of??
I think we have done ourselves a disservice by not finding more creatures to add to our weird lists of attractive beings.
I vote we unwrap just enough of that mummy to see a chiseled jawline and a six-pack. It is really not that hard! We already get glimpses of what could be gorgeous eyes, why not complete the image?
This could be the future of Halloween movies. The industry could really use some oomph instead of another “Friday the 13th.” I think we’ve had enough. Instead of more blood and gore, let’s add more appeal to each character before they get shanked or destroyed in some disgusting way.
The diversity is just what we could be looking for. We have a million sexy vampires and Taylor Lautner wannabe werewolves. Let’s spice it up, shall we?