“Oh and look, I also crafted a name tag for my dog and named him Herbie, so now whenever I look at him I think of Herbie Husker’s beautiful smile,” said Chancellor Ronnie Green during a press conference Tuesday morning where he announced his plan, over the next few years, to transfer UNL into an all-Minecraft university.
Every student, faculty, and staff member would have their consciousness uploaded into a Minecraft realm server run off of Ronnie Green’s MacBook Pro laptop in his office. Students would pay for tuition in emeralds, acquired by working in the wheat farms, mines, or by trading with the npc villagers outside the campus. Public transit would be replaced by huge sophisticated minecart trains.
Later on in his press conference/tech demo/Minecraft world showcase, Green confessed that he got the idea when he saw his son Justin (age 28) had made an exact replica of the new College of Business building in his Minecraft world.
“I was like, wow!” Green exclaimed with a budget saving glint in his eye. “We could make the whole university like this!” He then recanted the story of having Justin explain all the inner workings of Minecraft and it’s community, as well as a brief synopsis of their attempt to figure out how to continue Husker football in a Minecraft-only world.
Most majors, especially engineering and computer science, would change rather little in the transition, with engineers making huge cobblestone bridges/aqueducts and comp sci majors working on redstone computers. Although, Green refused to comment on how he planned to deal with potential griefers on the giant UNL server.
Despite the large initial cost of buying all UNL students a copy of Minecraft (although most of us already have one right? Tell me that’s not just me?), Green believes this monumental change will be a net financial positive for the university.
“Even if things don’t go as planned and we have to cut back, it’ll be just fine. We could just make all the humanities buildings out of dirt!” Green said as he swayed the crowd to his idea.
Near the end of his presentation, Green also expressed interest in an all-Roblox public education system for the city of Lincoln.