It’s that time again, Huskers! Since finals week is just around the corner, we here at The DailyER wanted to give you a few tips on how to ace those final exams:
- Double check the exam time listed on the syllabus. Remember that syllabi were written before daylight savings time started, so the actual exam time is one hour later than listed.
- Dead week have you exhausted? Skip the review session and get some extra sleep to help you concentrate on test day!
- Beat the rush and sell your textbooks back early so that you have some extra money to help you pay off your professors.
- Spend some extra time at the Learning Commons to really make sure you’re prepared. Be sure to bring plenty of crossword puzzles to keep yourself busy!
- Talk to friends who took the class before you. They’ll be able to tell you which bribes your professor is most likely to accept.
- Form a study group with your friends! Some of our favorite places to meet are Love Library, the Nebraska Union, and Barry’s Rooftop.
- Give yourself enough time to prepare for your exams. It’s unlikely you’ll be able to cram all of the information you need ten minutes before the exam starts, so be sure to start studying the night before.
- Be sure to have some healthy brain food handy while you study, like carrot sticks or four Swiss Mushroom Runzas.