“I live in fear and I can’t tell anyone,” said one University of Nebraska-Lincoln student, who wishes to remain anonymous. “My cat is a murderer.”
Sources close to The DailyER confirmed last week that an 84-year-old woman was stabbed to death in her daughter’s home. Police have yet to confirm any solid leads on the perpetrator because of lack of evidence connecting to the crime.
“We had recovered the weapon, a small blade was used to shank quickly,” said Lincoln Police Department spokesman Tom Boyd. “But it’s very strange, there was no trace of fingerprints at all, just weird little circle prints.”
The anonymous student claims that Bilbo, the family cat of a few months now, is to blame. “I have tried to tell them over and over that it was the cat, but no one believes me,” said the frustrated student. “So for now, I live in constant fear of Bilbo.”
The student’s claims have circulated the city and have received mostly laughs and remarks; never to be taken seriously. The incident has even made an appearance in a local satire newspaper.
“Of course no one is taking me seriously,” shouted the teary-eyed grandchild. “I mean, everybody laughs when you say the dog ate your homework, but no one takes you on your word when you say your cat murdered your grandma.”
When asked for comment on these claims, Boyd relayed the opinion of the general public. “Yeah, we heard those ideas too,” he said. “Total crap, I mean, why waste our time?”
No official statement was made by Bilbo the cat. He just menacingly stared and slowly licked his paws, according to our DailyER source.
“I don’t think we should run the story, that cat is going to kill me,” said the reporter.