The University of Nebraska-Lincoln has added yet another success story to its list of now-legendary alumni. Tom Raymond, a student who graduated in 2010 with a degree in English, has crafted a deli sandwich specials board that customers are describing as “riveting” and “truly astonishing.”
Raymond was quick to share details on his creation with The DailyER.
“It’s sort of a Camus-Eggers-Wallace type thing,” Raymond said. “While showing an obvious debt to Imagist poets like Pound and Aldington.”
Raymond spoke at length on the rhetorical elements at work in the specials board, divulging a few of his own personal goals for the project.
“One of the most notable facets of the board is its nonlinear nature and its minimalist yet elegant writing style,” Raymond said. “Ingredients are listed in a different order for every item, and many of our entrées are simply described as ‘A Sandwich.’ I like to leave that open to personal interpretation by our customers.”
“I don’t coddle my readers,” he said.
Customers at the deli were reportedly appreciative of Raymond’s effort, as many expressed wonder at the many layers at work in the specials board.
“The sandwich specials board never fails to amaze me, but this week’s was especially impressive,” said Tamara Williams, a frequent patron. “You can tell whoever made that board is really, really good at writing.”
Raymond, while cutting up tomatoes, spoke of the university with glowing praise, claiming his years spent here were formative in the development of his writing style.
“I owe my success entirely to UNL’s English department,” said Raymond. “English is a good and useful major.”
While The DailyER intended to follow up with Raymond about how the remainder of the week went for his specials board, he was unavailable for an additional extended interview.
“I’m going to be working the slicer today,” he said. “So I’m pretty much going to be busy all day.”