The Broyhill Fountain in front of the Union is a staple of campus. Students, parents, faculty, and Husker fans walk by that fountain and are never seen getting into it.
Freshman Sam Vassenburg had a different idea last Tuesday. After visiting the Starbucks in the Union, Vassenburg walked out the south exit to see the fountain and have a brilliant, revolutionary, and fresh idea; Jump into the Broyhill Fountain.
Vassenburg told the DailyER that “I saw the fountain and just thought of how I have never seen anyone jump into it. I mean how has no one ever done this. It would be so freaking funny. It would be amazing to put onto Twitter, I would get like 500 likes easy.”
This brilliant idea and dream of Twitter likes was soon crushed. As Vassenburg approached the fountain to jump in, he saw a sign posted that said “No wading or swimming in fountain.”
“I was crushed. My hopes and dreams were dashed. I couldn’t believe that they had already put a sign up to stop people from getting into the fountain,” Vassenburg told the DailyER, “I just was looking for something that would make me cool on campus.”
The sign refused to comment on the altercation that occurred at Broyhill Fountain. Vassenburg, however, is looking for something new to do to be known around campus. He hopes he can try either being in a frat or hating football as a substitute for a personality.
Chencellor Green would like to remind everyone to not jump into the fountain this year, but rather to jump into their studies. The DailyER would like everyone to jump into bed and skip their classes, because no one truly cares about the classes anyways.