In a way, Porn Addiction is worse than coronavirus. At least people with coronavirus can reach out to hospital asap and get help. But porn Addicted patients are so shy and afraid due to social stigma that they do not try to fix it and worsen the symptoms. If you are addicted to pornography, please seek help.
There is no shame. Well, there is a shame, but seeking help is better than keeping it hidden. UNL CAPS is open 24/7 for you, personally. And, they are hired from your tuition, so call them as much as possible. The number is 402 472 5000 and press 4 for someone to talk. DailyER, we support those who need help. Just stay away from my younger siblings.
After a new semester begins, Tyson Kim^1 at the Village suites suddenly heard a weird noise. “I was so shocked when I heard it first,” said Tyson, “I just came back to my room after the shower for my morning class, and there was… a sound of a bell. I thought it was my phone at first. Then, I realized it is from the wall.”
As Tyson focused on the ringing sounds, he was frozen by the shock. “It was the ALARM OF MY NEIGHBOR,” exclaimed Tyson, “Then all the sudden, there was a quick spark of horrible thoughts I had in my mind: IF I can hear her…she can hear me too…”
The DailyER correspondent was puzzled on why that’s a scary at first. Then, Tyson added that he had watched Hentai on full volume every night from 9 to 12 Monday through Saturday (Sunday is off because he respects the Sabbath). “I used to watch on my earphones. Then, I had a problem with my ears because I watched too much. The doctor told me stop using earphones, so I took it off,” Tyson explained to the disgusted DailyER correspondent with frown.
Tyson continued revealing his fetish and his favorite Hentai voice actors, yet the transcription was lost as the correspondent walked out in the middle of it. Later, the correspondent told Duncan, the editor of chef, “stop sending me to weirdos,” and quit the job. DailyER will miss you, Nolan. But, now is an opportunity to join DailyER and make your dream come true.
- Pseudonym were used to protect the identity of the resident of Village North 421B