“This is going to be a huge game on both team’s schedules”, declared athletic director Trev Alberts about the recently announced home-and-home scheduling of North Pole in 2030-2031. Last Wednesday, the Husker athletic department announced that Nebraska would be making the thousand mile trek North to Saint Nicholas Stadium, home of the North Pole University Fighting Elves.
North Pole is considered by many to be one of the most historical college football teams of all time, ranking in the top 10 of all time wins. Despite this incredible feat, Nebraska and North Pole have never played each other. While many fans have circled this game on the calendar, it remains to be seen if the teams will return to their historic form. Similarly to Nebraska, the Fighting Elves have found themselves in hard times ever since the legendary Santa Claus retired from coaching in 2004. Since Claus’ illustrious tenure, North Pole has only achieved 4 winning seasons and a single bowl win. Despite the recent past, many fans are hopeful that their new up and coming head coach, Elfus McSquimpis will return them to former glory.
However, it’s been a rocky road for the Fighting Elves. Due to several NCAA recruiting violations and rumors of performance enhancing gingerbread cookies, North Pole has had a tough time making their way back to the top. This hasn’t stopped team morale increasing with such a monumental announcement. “It will truly be an honor to compete agaisnt such a legendary program.” Elfus McSquimpis said in his high, squeaky voice at a press conference on Friday. While about a decade away, this matchup is already causing visions of touchdowns dancing in fans heads.