Claiming he is just a servant of the people, Jon Bruning promised to finish out his campaign for Governor of Nebraska without wearing another shirt if that’s the kind of thing Nebraskans wanted.
“As always I’m just a public servant, and if my public wants me to serve them through my aging hairy pecs that is just fine with me,” Bruning said.
“I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make the people of Nebraska happy.”
Bruning was unable to provide evidence that Nebraskans wanted him to finish the campaign shirtless, but he was adamant that they did.
“I’m surprised I even need to provide evidence. Isn’t it so obvious when you look out at my crowds in Seward, York or even Omaha, no matter where I am I can almost hear the voters wondering ‘why does he still have a shirt on?’”
“It’s so obvious to me, the people don’t even have to say it out loud, I can just feel it in my heart.”
While he was more than happy to be shirtless, Bruning would not commit to finishing the campaign pantless, saying that is only appropriate in hotel rooms reserved for interns.