You’ve seen him roast candidates on “The Daily Show.” Now, see him host candidates this fall in the 58th Presidential SuperSlam! That’s right. Jon Stewart is back to host this pillar of American democracy.
Watch these 15 violent, pissed off sociopaths square off in the ring in one massive No Holds Barred Last Man Standing Presidential Tornado Tag Team Barbed Wire Massacre in a Steel Cage.
You know what that means. We’re wrapping chairs, clubs, guns and maybe the candidates themselves in barbed wire, piling them in the center of the ring, and dropping a big-ass steel cage over the whole mess. We ain’t opening it until we have a new president.
Do not miss this once in a lifetime television event, ladies and gentlemen. This may be the most important Presidential Slam event since Wooden Washington famously KO’ed The King with a savage Choke Slam in 1776.
We have a record breaking 15 competitors this year. On the Blue side we have Bashin Barack, back for a third slam, Killary Clinton, and The Sandman, Bernie Sanders.
On the Red side we have The Donald, you’ll remember him from previous WWE appearances, who’s now he is fighting for the presidency. Other Red Team fighters are Macho Man Bobby Jindal, Ted “Bruz”, Tricky Ricky Santorum, Mike “The Beekeeper” Huckabee, Randy and Paul, Stalker Walker, “The Surgeon” and others. Plus, The Bush Brothers are back, with Jeb in the cage.
Watch American history being made. We all know this match will determine the future of the world, but more importantly, it will decide the future of America. Watch Trump Squad try to help The Donald destroy his competition. Watch The Sandman try to pull an upset with his powerful takedown, The Grassroots Movement. Will Killary be able to hold her own against the boys? Will the Bush Brothers be able to score another Presidential Slam victory? Maybe “The Surgeon” will come on on top, or maybe Ted “Bruz” will. There is only one way to find out. Watch the 58th Presidential Super Slam this fall. Tickets on sale now!