Several University of Nebraska-Lincoln students in Professor Harrison’s History of Rock class came under academic investigation after reports surfaced that a violent mosh pit had broken out in the middle of class on Tuesday afternoon. The pit reportedly continued for the entire class period.
After spending the previous few months studying rock’s roots in blues and country music, the class was scheduled to begin its punk rock unit on Tuesday. When the professor played a 30-second clip of a Dead Kennedys song at the start of class, several students immediately began forming a pit in the center of class.
“I don’t know what came over me,” said Ashley Ritter, the student who first started thrashing. “I didn’t mean for that to happen. I didn’t even realize I was doing it in the first place.”
Before long, the lights were turned off and the entire classroom was transformed from an orderly lecture hall into a violent, churning mass of bodies. This lasted for the duration of the class period.
Andy Phillips, another student in Professor Harrison’s class, expressed similar confusion at the events that transpired in the lecture.
“Nobody seems to know why,” Phillips said. “It just happened. Once a few people started doing it, I think people thought it was required or something and started wilin’ out.”
Philips went on to express his frustration with the actions of his classmates.
“I signed up for this class to fulfill a dumb ACE requirement,” he said. “Not so I could wake up the next day with bruises.”
“We obviously take this sort of infraction very seriously at UNL,” said Alex Hardy, the UNL official in charge of investigating the situation. “We can’t have students engaging in this behavior- no matter how sick or badass the music played in class may be.”
Professor Harrison, for his part, is uncertain on how to conduct the rest of the semester after the events of the last class period.
“I might have to skip the ska unit this year,” Harrison said.