In the coming months, motorists on Nebraska roads and highways can look to adjust to more than just road closures. The Nebraska Department of Roads announced last Tuesday that a special project will begin in the coming months to replace all “yield” signs with “eh, just go for it” signs.
Transportation Director Kyle Schneweis said at a press conference, “I hope we are able to increase efficiency on Nebraska roads for the future. With several road closures happening right now, traffic is much slower. We are hoping this project will increase traffic efficiency, especially in larger cities such as Lincoln and Omaha.”
Schneweis went on to discuss more details about the project. He said the “yield” replacement project will begin in late November and will take approximately two years to complete, with a price tag in the $24 million range.
“The price may seem daunting, but our research shows that yield signs are not all that effective,” said Special Assistant to the Transportation Director, Sharon Rues. “According to multiple studies, eight out of ten drivers ignore yield signs, yet only three percent of all road accidents in the state of Nebraska are due to failure to comply with yield signs. This low percentage is pretty insignificant, so we encourage drivers to just go for it and hope for the best. What’s the worst that could happen?”
Lincoln native Scooter Harlan spoke to The DailyER about his driving experiences in the city throughout his life. “I never even knew we had them yield signs,” said Harlan, driver of a 1985 Chevy Silverado truck. “I always just done merged and if anything bad happens, then Jesus take the wheel! He is my Lord and Savior after all.”