Just like the recent blockbuster anti-hero movie “Venom,” the online wallet app known as Venmo also makes me question all of my life choices and financial decisions. The whole business of me putting a trash can emoji in the “what’s it for” section of the payment info just screams to the rest of the world that yes, I am indeed buying booze.
The whole decision to make payments between friends a “social media” is one that I can only imagine the gooey and morally dubious Venom could come up with. He’s probably controlling PayPal CEO Dan Schulman as we speak. And quietly trying to take SpaceX back from Elon Musk so he can go back into space.
In the sequel, you’ll probably see Elon elongate into the red gooey Carnage and totally rip apart and kill anything that isn’t hentai. To be perfectly honest I’m kinda turning myself on to the idea of a Venmo/Venom crossover already. This is great.
This started as a meme but this is real, fellas. Elon plus symbiote powers equals total control over Silicon Valley. I mean tech company CEOs already kinda act like Venom with the whole tongue thing and desire to consume as much stuff and people as physically possible.