Richard Dickinson said he finally feels avenged.
The sophomore education major said he has watched his peers enjoy nuts in many different styles and fashions for too long to feel bad for them now.
“I swear to God they add a nut to every single day of their lives,” Dickinson said. “I have never enjoyed a good nut like they have.”
Dickinson said his friends whined throughout the month of November in the name of No Nut November, but this is just a glimpse into his everyday world.
“The thing is, they chose that for themselves,” he said. “I didn’t wake up one day hoping to never have a nut again.”
Dickinson said his friends would walk around the house groaning and asking each other for one cheat day- or even just half an hour off of the fast.
This frustrated Dickinson the most.
“It’s like they were rubbing their ability to have a nut in my face,” he said. “You think I get a break from not feeling the pleasure that comes with a good nut??”
His friends refused to comment but said they felt the pleasure again on Dec. 1.
Dickinson’s girlfriend said she is proud of him for sticking to his morals and not having empathy for his friends. She is also proud that he has gone so long without a Reese’s.
“The last time he tried peanut butter, we couldn’t bang for a week because of the meds,” she said. “I don’t know what I would do if we couldn’t have sex for a month.”