Listen, you don’t have to tell me how much horses mean to our country. From the colonial era to today, our four-hooved ‘neigh’bors have been side by side with man, helping our nation gallop forward into the future.
But to say horses should have voting rights?
It’s just too early to jump on to that saddle.
I know what you’re thinking: I’m a speciesist. But let me explain.
Secretariat. Seabiscuit. Maximus from that movie “Tangled.” All great American heroes. And there’s no horse more patriotic than American Pharaoh. Hell, you bet your ass I’d trust my life with Bullseye from “Toy Story.”
But these horses all have one thing in common: not a single horse has spoken up about a cause they believe in.
Our democracy, as are all, is founded on the people’s voice and will. One must speak up and speak out for what they believe in.
Maybe the horses are trying to communicate with us in a different way. Their sounds of displeasure when in the stable may very well correlate with their dissatisfaction in regards to the current socioeconomic status of those who once were considered middle class.
However, until I see some proof, to horses I must say, “neigh.”