Our beloved Huskers have gone through quite a few changes these past seasons. While I’m sure nobody was thrilled by poor performances against teams we never thought we could lose to, Mike Riley was a treasure and the Cornhuskers are only half as adorable now that he’s gone.
Yeah, Scott Frost has the chiseled jawline. But he’s 0-1 against Riley’s dimples! Frost just doesn’t have that “Guy (living in a hotel) Next Door (to the stadium)” look that I miss so much.
Riley might not have known how to lead us to victory, but he’s an expert in turning on the charm.
Sweet Mike had twinkling eyes brighter than the new LED stadium lights and a smile that could melt even a Wisconsin linebacker’s heart.
His team didn’t have many great moments on the field, but Mike always looked so lovable in his khakis, hat and headset. I’ve never seen anyone pull off a headset like him! He looked like a real football coach. Scott Frost might be better at getting football players to score, but Mike is a Hail Mary catch for thirsty eyes scanning the stadium for a treat.
Not only was Mike beautiful on the outside, but his personality was so delightful! Maybe he was too nice for football, always letting other teams have too much of a chance against the Huskers. Scott Frost doesn’t seem mean or anything, but it’s a tall order to expect anyone to be as charming as Riley.
Each game day, I hope to see that silver fox appear through the fog during the Tunnel Walk of Love. Instead, it’s just Scott and the team getting ready to play football or whatever.
Also, Scott Frost frowns sometimes. Frowning is way less cute than smiling. It’s just not a thing that Riley’s face ever did. Even when he tried, you could still see his sunshiney demeanor through his endearing attempt at a slightly furrowed brow.
At least Frost is cuter than Bo Pelini, but that really doesn’t say much. Mike set our standards so high, I’m not sure we’ll ever have another Husker coach quite as precious. Maybe we can bring him back as a mascot instead of a coach? Compared to Mike, Lil’ Red and Herbie Husker don’t stand a chance as Memorial Stadium’s Cutest.