Relax, clowns are just people:
It’s not cool to judge people by how they express themselves. Clowns are often gauged as threatening or sketchy, but they’re just trying to break through the mold and create their own niche in society. Do you get freaked out when people wear makeup in public? No? Then why let your reaction to clowns turn into a circus? They may look like they were dressed by hallucinogens, sure. At times, their laughs might be a tad unsettling, but don’t act like you’ve never done something awkward or embarrassing in public. They’re out there juggling for a living, while you’re busy juggling your internalized judgments.
Relax, serial killers are just people:
Sure, that clown walking nonchalantly towards you balloon-in-hand seems harmless enough. But will it be all fun and games when you wake up in an abandoned circus tent four states away? Well, don’t worry about it. Clowns are characters you can trust, just like Facebook’s privacy settings. Never mind that they induce a fight-or-flight response from so much as thinking about them. If you’ve ever seen “It,” the documentary that depicts how every single clown is, you’d know that the mild discrepancies Pennywise exuded were a result of lacking friendship in his own life. Some days, it’s important to make the decision to reach out to a clown in need. You won’t regret it, probably because you won’t be able to.