Abel Hall has had its fair share of parties and interesting occurrences through the years, but the resident assistant on duty had no idea he would have to MIP someone last Friday night.
“Everyone knows this is a Pepsi campus,” RA Edward Mundorph said. “So citing someone for Minor In Possession of Coca-Cola left me shook.”
The resident, freshman AdPr major Alex Stephan said he never thought he would get caught.
“I wasn’t being loud and I only played my music through my Air Pods,” he said. “But then Ed walked by when I was leaving to go to the bathroom and caught me in the act.”
Mundorph said he would rather bust a party than face that kind of disappointment again.
“It felt like the time I found out Santa isn’t real,” he said. “I tried so hard to believe it wasn’t happening.”
Stephan said he isn’t sure if it was worth the punishment yet.
“I haven’t started my 78 hours of community service at the orphanage,” he said. “Maybe I’ll like the kids.”
He said then he would drink his Coke with pride in the open and just add more hours to his community service.
“If kids end up being cool, I’ll just stick with them forever,” he said. “Hell, maybe I’ll even offer one to Ed!”