Emma Peters looks forward to the Halloween season every year. From the costumes to the parties, the last few weeks of October are some of her favorite weeks all year.
This past weekend, however, Peters got more than she bargained for. A party at her coworker Nate Kelley’s house had one of the most terrifying themes she could imagine.
“I walked in the front door and saw some ‘Ben Carson for President’ signs hanging on the walls,” Peters said. “I actually thought about leaving.”
This year, Kelley and his roommates decided to forgo their usual haunted house themed-party and went with something even scarier: the beginning months of the 2016 presidential election. Guests were encouraged to dress as their favorite politician or media persona of the last year.
“Sure, spider webs and broken windows can be scary,” Kelley said. “But what’s actually terrifying is the idea that there’s an entire year of this election left to live through– and that one of these people has to win.”
To set the mood, Brian Quinn, one of Kelley’s roommates, encouraged guests to pretend like they knew nothing of the last 12 months of America’s political mess. They played reruns of the GOP and Democratic primary debates as conversation starters.
“There’s no way Trump’s gonna last until the Iowa caucuses,” Quinn said to a guest. “And Hillary– there’s no excuse for her to lose even a single state. She’s got no competition.”
Partygoers agreed that Kelley threw the scariest Halloween party of the year.
“Just to think, they created a party based on our worst fears, which actually came true,” Peters said. “Good job, guys.”
Guests were also impressed by the amount of Jim Webb, Carly Fiorina and Rick Santorum merchandise with which Kelley and Quinn were able to decorate their house.
“Where the hell do you even get this stuff?” Peters asked. “None of these people campaigned in Nebraska.”
The DailyER confirmed that over 60 percent of the party’s attendees dressed as Donald Trump, as the local costume store had a sale on ugly blond wigs.