Album | Eject | Cazzette
By Patrick Wright
I’ve always been a fan of the Swedish DJ duo’s incredible remixes of songs, including songs by The Killers and David Guetta, so it’s no surprise I enjoy their first LP so much. Well-produced with some astoundingly heavy drops while managing to keep a clean sound, the duo’s first original album is definitely impressive. Including extended versions of singles, “Beam Me Up” and “Run for Cover” is a nice touch too. It doesn’t hurt that these are the same people that brought us “Avicii,” so expect to hear a lot more from these guys in the future.
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TV Series | “Spoils of Babylon”
By Dylan Kuzelka
IFC’s newest mini-series “Spoils of Babylon” delivers the quirky humor of “Portlandia” with niche-style filming for Wes Anderson fans and over-dramatized situations for “Funny or Die” enthusiasts. In their quest to spoof extravagant mini-series popular in the 70s, the former writers of “Saturday Night Live” have created an elaborate story which follows a dysfunctional brother and sister duo in charge of running their father’s oil company. With more than several big name actors, this offbeat comedy and it’s subtle nuances might be confusing to some, but “Spoils” is certain to draw a cult following.
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Comedy Album | Joe Zimmerman | “Smiling At Wolves”
By James Crowl
“Smiling At Wolves” is the newest comedy album from stand-up veteran Joe Zimmerman, whose laid-back tone and nuanced delivery of jokes makes for a comedy album sure to make almost anyone laugh. From common comedy topics like sex education and Starbucks to obscure subjects like the world’s longest standing ovation, Zimmerman never loses sight of his own imagination, keeping the audience guessing about what he’ll say next. It’s easy to dismiss a lot of comics these days, but Zimmerman establishes himself as one of the best American comedians, and if you don’t believe me, go listen to this album. I dare you not to laugh.
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Album | “Light Up Gold” | Parquet Courts
By Colin Loberg
I had no idea how much I had wanted a new Pavement album in my life until I listened to Parquet Courts’ debut album last month. Light Up Gold may not directly ape Pavement’s sound but the Brooklyn punk band is the closest thing they have to a modern successor. Andrew Savage and co. spend most of the album in a solipsistic haze, only briefly leaving the immediate present to sing about the “anti-meth murals” of North Dakota or a father’s advice to find a career in combat. With “Light Up Gold,” Parquet Courts has made a fantastic punk album, fun, timeless and, judging by my Spotify history, almost endlessly repeatable.
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TV Series | “Workaholics”
By Matt Sueper
“Workaholics” is back in its fourth season and in full form. The comedy series returns with all the main characters, including Nebraska-native Adam Devine. “Workaholic”s is already two episodes in, though its story arc allows for anyone to jump in at any point and understand what’s going on. So far in this season, the delinquent trio has unknowingly given a gallon of molly-laced punch to an entire baby shower and tried to get their boss laid in order to have a fish fry. It’s most definitely a strange show, but it is without a doubt one of the funniest shows on TV right now.
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Movie | “Groundhog Day”
By Phillip Malzer
As we pass over the often forgotten holiday, it’s fun to look back and watch one of the more interesting films of the 90s. Bill Murray stars as Phil Connors, a cynical, stick-in-the-mud weatherman covering Groundhog Day. When he gets stuck in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania during a snowstorm, he somehow repeats the same day over and over. Connors handles his burden with a multitude of reactions including anger, denial, learning to play the piano, and many failed attempts on his life. It is said Connors spent 100 years stuck in that particular day, let’s just hope it doesn’t not take us that long to reevaluate our own lives.