[title size=”2″ style=”options: default, sidebar”]Here are some hot items that Seeds Staff members would like to share with you. Discover and enjoy![/title]

[title size=”4″ style=”options: default, sidebar”]EP | Bassnectar: Take You Down[/title]
If you missed out on seeing Bassnectar in Lincoln this weekend you missed out on one hell of a show. Luckily, you can recoup a bit of the experience with his latest EP, Take You Down. From the opening title track to the chaotic closer “Colorstorm,” Take You Down is filled to the brim with bass, creating an EP that almost sounds like rock on steroids. If you haven’t heard Bassnectar before, Take You Down is a fantastic starting point to jump in and become a “Bass Head.”
Patrick Wright | Seeds Entertainment

[title size=”4″ style=”options: default, sidebar”]EP | Pixies: EP1[/title]
In case you haven’t heard: Pixies are back! Or at least back enough to release a four-track EP. It has been 22 years since Pixies released an album–there has only been a couple of singles released since then. Despite the brevity of this release, it is heaven for any 90’s nerd as the Pixies were one of the most essential bands of their glorious time. Pixies manages to keep quite a bit of those 90’s musical elements that we all crave so while remaining relevant. There are rumors of at least an EP2 to come in the near future but no confirmations. For now, listen to EP1 and celebrate that our generation can still hold on the fact that, yes, there was good, popular music being produced sometime during our lifetime.
Annie Bohling | Seeds Entertainment

[title size=”4″ style=”options: default, sidebar”]Track | Arcade Fire: “Reflektor”[/title]
This early-release single is a tease, but a delicious (yeah, delicious) and welcomed one. The single fosters more attention and excitement for Arcade Fire’s two-disc, 14-song album to be released at the end of this month. Honestly, it’s difficult to explain all that’s going on in this song. It’s complex…it has some French singing in it! But really. It’s a rounded, catchy song but not catchy in the simplistic way that many are. Arcade Fire is better than that. The video is as bizarre as the song is likeable. There is also an interactive version of the video that allows the viewer to sync their mobile device or webcam to the video and see their own ‘reflektion’ in the holographs that the woman in the video interacts with. Trust us: This song is amazing! Go listen to it. Then you’ll be looking forward to the full album soon to come. It seems promising that the wait will be worthwhile.
Annie Bohling | Seeds Entertainment

[title size=”4″ style=”options: default, sidebar”]Derek | TV Series[/title]
Ricky Gervais has been involved in many comical endeavours, most notably The Office. Derek follows the same format of documentary television comedy that brought the characters in The Office to life. Derek (Gervais) is a happy go lucky caretaker at an assisted living home where the other staff and residents have nothing but great opinions of him. The character of Derek offers a feeling of innocence to the show and gives plenty of heart warming comedy as well as heartbreaking realizations of life and death. Derek’s comedy may be predictable at times, but is worth the watch.
Daniel Stier | Seeds Entertainment

[title size=”4″ style=”options: default, sidebar”]TV Series| Trailer Park Boys[/title]
The series documenting the downfall of Sunnyvale Trailer Park shares many parallels to the classic “Tom and Jerry.” The mice in this story, petty convicts, Ricky, Julian and their pal Bubbles, are constantly outwitting and outrunning the trailer park supervisor Jim Lahey and his shirtless sidekick Randy. Don’t sell the crude humor and shitisms short. Intermingled between the dope growing operations and spare change heists are inspiring stories of love, family and friends. So get drunk, eat some chicken fingers and spend your entire weekend alone in your dorm with the boys of Sunnyvale. TPB’s eighth season is now in the works.
Johnny Young | Seeds Entertainment

[title size=”4″ style=”options: default, sidebar”]TV Series| 30 Rock [/title]
As NBC is slowly going down the endless rabbit hole of mediocrity, it is nice to look back and remember the good old days. 30 Rock may have just ended this year but from the start it was one of the best comedies on television. It followed the career of Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) as she tried to produce a live-action sketch show with the help of her mentor/boss Jack Donaghy (Alec Baldwin). What made the show special was its lively, offbeat humor and its satirical view of broadcast television and how it functions.
Phillip Malzer | Seeds Entertainment

[title size=”4″ style=”options: default, sidebar”]Film | Holy Motors[/title]
At Cannes Film Festival 2012, French director Leos Carax released the film Holy Motors. Arguably one of the most surreal, mind blowing, borderline pretentious films of the last few years, it is now up for viewing on Netflix. The film follows a man in a white limo around Paris to his mysteriously strange, seemingly useless appointments. Some of these include slipping into disguises, high society murder, and the kidnapping of Eva Mendes. It is an experience you won’t want to miss.
Brent Scott Maze | Seeds Entertainment