Kids are beautiful.
Look at this kid. Look at that smile, big as the sky. Those twinkling eyes, two pools of innocence, blue as the Caribbean. Look out, he’s already stolen your heart.
And his costume! He’s a perfect little firefighter, yes he is. How could any fire resist him? We sure can’t. He’s in for a great haul this Halloween, with that mischievous smile. You just know he’s coming back with a bucket full of candy.
Get this: cutie-patootie over here has a secret, one that he doesn’t even know: he’s hugely allergic to both milk and peanuts.
That’s right! This tot can’t even ingest the stuff without an immediate reaction, including a quickly swelling throat and severe rashes.
Isn’t it admirable, to see the unbridled optimism sitting on his face as the storm approaches? The world needs more of this kind of kid. We could all learn a lesson here: don’t fear the unknown.
What his parents must think of him! It’s going to be such a fun night for them, carting their little guy around, neighbors cooing over their pride and joy. And the EMTs! The EMTs are going to eat him up after they administer the Epipen and pump his stomach. What a kid.
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