Students are registering for classes for the Spring Semester, and that means junior Julie Carson is pissed off again about the flood of inquiring Facebook posts.
“You would have to be an absolute moron to go on to a website and ask people what classes you should take,” the actuarial science major said. “UNL is set up so we can easily [register] ourselves. Why the hell would you ask other kids for help when you can look at your degree audit?”
The degree audit system allows students to see exactly what is required of them to obtain their desired degree, along with courses they have completed.
Carson, who is “confident” in all 15 of her credit hours she enrolled in without anyone’s help, said she used to have nothing against asking for other students’ advice, although she never took it herself.
“I was looking on the Class of 2015 Facebook group last year,” she explained. “I saw some girl asked, ‘What is an easy ACE 4.’ This guy responds with a geography course I took spring semester of my freshman year. I remember thinking to myself, ‘This course definitely was not easy. What an asshole.’”
That was the last straw for Carson, who still lives in Abel Hall.
“I suppose I just don’t understand how you can trust anyone after some crazy shenanigans like that,” said the venting junior.
Carson’s roommate since their freshman year said the day she saw the disheartening post is one she will not forget.
“I was doing my physics homework one night when Julie looked over to me. He said, ‘Christine, can you believe this shit?’ and I was like, ‘Wow that’s some fucked up stuff’ because I was with him in that class too. We both got ‘Cs,’” the roommate explained.
When asked if she would ever look to Facebook for advice on a class she replied, “Not openly because Julie would probably hide my Us Weekly, but, you know, I’ve asked friends through private messages when she isn’t in the room.”
Carson said all everyone really needs is MyRed and the undergraduate bulletin. “The system they have in place works just fine,” she said. “Like my mom always says, ‘The system won’t fuck you if you don’t fuck the system.’”