Tara Winkliter had quite the story to tell her family over Thanksgiving break. She could finally tell her mom that the lonely days as a college freshman were finally over.
Coming to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln from a small town outside of Scottsbluff, Nebraska, Winkliter hasn’t always had the most impressive social skills. Tired of spending weekend after weekend in college without any plans, Winkliter chose to use resources close to her to recruit pals to hang out with.
Using the social media app Yik Yak, Winkliter made a post boasting about her “sick Vanse hookup.”
The applications for new friends flooded in immediately.
“I did some research to see what people my age in college were into,” Winkliter said. “I saw that ADD medicine was pretty heavily sought after, so I decided to start selling some of my Vyvanse. But instead of taking money, my customers have to hang out with me for a minimum of two hours per pill.”
The DailyER reached out to one of Winkliter’s frequent customers.
“Yeah you know at first I totally thought she was a cop but it turns out it was just a really lonely girl,” junior Nick Trimoli said.“Spending two hours with her for one pill is a little steep, but I just sit on my phone the whole time. That kid is weird; I’m not fucking talking to her.”
Winkliter isn’t the least bit concerned with legal issues.
“You know, I’ve lived my whole life following the rules. UNL Police can buzz off for all I care. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go trade friends for a controlled substance.”