A research team of graduate students in the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s psychology department made a surprising discovery last month, the details of which were published in a report Tuesday morning.
The original purpose of the study was to determine the effect that student jobs have on GPA, with the hypothesis that students who worked part-time jobs would have less time for school work and would report lower GPAs.
Receiving responses from a sample of 100 undergraduate students, researchers concluded these dorks are apparently too busy to even spare a minute of their time to fill out 10 stupid bubbles on a piece of paper.
The DailyER spoke with George Munroe, the graduate student in charge of the study, about his findings.
“We looked at the data,” Munroe said. “What we found really surprised us. While the data did not support our research hypothesis that students who worked part-time jobs would have lower GPAs, it did reveal that not one of these jerks would even bother giving us the time of day, let alone fill out a short survey.”
The research team, surprised by these results, consulted past studies in order to explain this phenomenon. They drew parallels to previous groundbreaking studies done at UNL which suggested that the average student has “too much going on to care about this stuff” and is in a constant state of “running, like, really late for class” and that researchers, more than any other student group, can “get out of [students’] face, dude.”
While this experiment gave them results different from what they had expected, the team remains optimistic for the future and hopes to expand on this knowledge with further studies.
“We’re especially interested in this idea of dumb jerks not being helpful,” Munroe said. “A broader survey of these assholes might help us understand why they’re so mean and don’t take us seriously.”