
Top 9 DailyER codes of conduct

As the only content-driven journalistic publication on campus, we here at The DailyER are tasked with providing you, the students, quality news stories every month. How is this accomplished, you ask? We have strict Codes of Conduct keeping writers in line every issue, all the time, always. In order to pay tribute to those Conducting Codes, […] Read more

Hidden clause to sixth commandment revealed: Thou shalt not kill unless he is using a legally obtained firearm

The Republican Party has been under intense scrutiny the past few months for their refusal to implement stricter gun control into U.S. legislation following several mass shootings. However, some recently uncovered information may just help the argument of Second Amendment supporters. An anonymous source came forward earlier this week stating that the sacred stone given to […] Read more

Amidst rising tensions with North Korea, President Trump proposes gorilla warfare

In a recent meeting among the United States’ top national security officials, President Trump reportedly suggested a new strategy to combat rising tensions with North Korea. After hearing various ideas from military leaders, Trump offered what he believed would be most effective against the aggressive regime of North Korea. “I hear what you’re saying about […] Read more