As I sit here on the bus just trying to get to my next class, one thought ruminates through my mind.
I should be so excited. Today is Tuesday of Thanksgiving Break week. I get to go home today to see my family.
But I’m not excited. I’m not happy at all. I’m actually completely and utterly stressed.
I have a mile-long to do list that ends with “find time to relax with family.”
Thanksgiving Break is not a break at all.
I have a final presentation on Monday. I have papers due Saturday and the following Monday. I have so many projects to do I can’t even prioritize them.
When I think about going home, it stresses me out.
How will I get my homework done or apply for those internships that will all just tell me no later from home?
How can I expect to practice my presentations when as I watch the Macy’s Day Parade?
How can I submit papers and conduct interviews when I’m supposed to be catching up on 13 weeks of missed sleep?
How can I type up something incredible to share with the world if I’m working every chance I get because working during school just isn’t the same?
That’s right. I can’t.
Instead of relaxing and maximizing my break, I’ll use the extra three hours of free time I’m going to force myself to create to do as much at home as I would here.
This might sound like a rant coming from a woman who just wants a break and might need one for her mental health’s sake. She might even need just a quick nap and for someone to tell her she doesn’t have an assignment due for another class on Monday or Tuesday.
It might sound like that because that’s exactly what it is.