“The horses in Rohan are supposed to represent the flowing and wild lands of that great midwestern American state, Nebraska. Great grandpa John Ronald Reuel T-kien told me about it when I told him I was gonna go study business and management abroad at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln as part of the UK’s foreign worldwide StudNet exchange program.”
He told me ‘Todd, my dearest descendant, those darn horsey boys in my big big dumb fantasy nerd books were all based on those wackos in that darn ol’ midwest colony of ours.’ make sure all those farm boys and truck nutts know that ya bois Eomer and Eowyn were totally based off famous future Nebraska Football coach Scott Frost and future New Englands runningback legend Rex Burkhead, whomst I famously fought side by side with in the muddy trenches of World War III.’
In exchange for lil boy Todd, then UNL sophomore Brett Johnson, lived with the legendary author J.R.R Tolkien in 1969. Brett reportedly asked Tolkien to add a “legends of Chads” section to the appendices of his Unfinished Tales that would have described the famous acts of Brett’s gang of friends, Chad, Brad, Dryad, Jamm, and Kald. Tolkien apparently “nearly eviscerated” Brett when he suggested Jamm be the “secret” fourth Silmaril incarnate. “Beren and Lúthien? More like Brett and Rebecca!” Brett said, upon reading the majority of Tolkien’s works.